It's All About the Lights!
I would have a tough time saying that lighting wasn't one of the single-most important decisions in a home. Whether it is functional task lighting or just the right decorative fixture--lighting can set the tone for the space unlike any other element in the room. When working with a client on a new home construction or renovation/update, lighting fixture selection and placement by far outweighs all other material selections, in the way of time. The options are endless, the technology is ever-changing and the selection process can be overwhelming, to say the least. That is where a professional designer can help to make that process painless and even pleasant!
I love the lighting selection phase of a project. It is our opportunity to represent the style of the home throughout each space and step the client a bit outside of their box (in many cases). Lighting can set the mood, it can steal the show or it can even be completely hidden. With the ever growing trend of high-efficiency lighting and LEDs, clients can explore new aspects of the lighting world. Hanging fixtures to wall sconces, the materials now offered in high-end lighting are abundant. Adding a touch of seashells to a coastal interior or pieces of quartz adorning a linen wall sconce can transform the room into a work of art from floor to ceiling. Fans are no exception to this lighting phenomenon. What once offered little variation, now can fit the style of any decor with ease.
In the spirit of our "behind the scenes" approach for 2016, I wanted to share a few recent lighting installations that stole our heart and have the client's seeing stars (dreamy, clear night -stars!)